So just a few things that I have noticed about DMR since I have been messing around with my new ZumSpot. Keep in mind that my ZumSpot is a full duplex model and my radio is an AnyTone D878UV.
Disclaimer: I am not in any means, an expert in DMR. If you find errors in this information, please email me and I will gladly make corrections.

DMR and Zones

At least with the AnyTone zones are logical groups of channels. So far it seems that most folks are grouping zones by repeaters. You can also group channels in zones by location instead. I have a zone called Home that has a mix of my analog and hotspot talk groups that I use. My zone called Mobile has a mix of my analog repeaters and a mix of DMR repeaters. Use the method that works best for you, but it doesn’t have to be grouped by strictly analog or DMR repeater.

DMR and Scaning

I had to resist putting all my DMR talk groups in the scan list. Since there are only two time slots you really can’t scan multiple TGs the same way you scan repeater channels. To scan multiple TGs on AnyTone you need to add just one time slot 1 TG to the scan list and use the Digi Monitor Single Slot feature of the AnyTone to hear all the traffic on time slot 1 and Digi Monitor Double Slot for traffic on both time slots.

If you put more than one talk group on the same slot in the scan, it will stop at first one if there is traffic on that time slot but without the Digi Monitor on you may not hear the second TG if it isn’t the current active TG.

To help keep it straight, think of each time slot as a repeater and the talk groups as filters that only allow your to hear traffic on that specific TG. Without Digimon, if the DMR repeater is transmitting a different talk group you will not hear the traffic.

Hotspot or Repeater?

Wonder if you need a Hotspot when you can reach a repeater? For the relatively inexpensive cost of a Hotspot there are some advantages.

Repeater Pros

  1. Zero cost. Once you have a DMR radio the cost to use a repeater is nominal.
  2. No configuration. With your configured DMR radio just kerchunk your talk group and go.

Repeater Cons

  1. You are at the mercy of others. If someone is wanting to listen to TG91 (WW91) and you are on a more regional talk group on the same time slot on the same repeater, the chances of hearing your traffic is pretty slim. And to boot you will not even know that you are missing the conversation unless you are watching the Brandmeister page for the repeater and can watch the last heard info.
  2. Time outs and disconnects. There is a 15 minutes timeout on most dynamic connections to TGs on Brandmeister. Unless you are actively using the TG you will not know when it has been dropped. As well, if someone using another TG sends a 4000 disconnect you will not know it has been dropped.
  3. Mobilility. If you travel you will need to configure your TGs for each repeater that need.

Hotspot Pros

  1. You are in control. You will be able to set your own static talk groups. The Pi-Star software makes it real easy to see the traffic on the current active TG and even make changes with the Brandmeister Manager plugin installed. You will want a Brandmeister account set up so you can use the SelfCare Dashboard.
  2. Time outs and disconnects are not an issue with your own Hotspot. Set a static and you are not going to be disconnected.

Hotspot Cons

  1. Cost. There are several brands of hotspots you can buy. ZumSpot has several DMR hotspots running from $100 to $150 at the time of this post.
  2. Configuration. There is a little setup that needs to be done on Brandmeister and the Pi-star software. There are great docs available on the internet. I got my ZumSpot from and they have a nice PDF that explains exactly how to get you up and running.
  3. Internet connectivity. I have a decent connection to the Internet. I would think you would need something above a few MB bandwidth to get reliable DMR reception but I don’t know for sure.

Overall, for $100 you can control your talk groups and not worry about repeater availability. Run the hotspot off of your smart phone with wifi tethering and you are mobile as well. KE0FHS has a website called with tons of information on DMR and Pi-star set up.

updated last 2/20/2020

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